I love how I started to blog about a year ago, and was really excited about it as well, then I completely dropped it. It might seem like a typical move on my part... but honestly... my spirit has been sort of in a secret place these days..
I've spent the last few months making tons of mistakes and letting hurts from man affect my relationship with God. But I say my spirit has been in a secret place not because I kept the things I did hidden... I refuse to be luke warm... but rather because God was strongly pursuing me in the secret place...
Even around people, He was pursuing me in secret. The words that my amazing, honoring, and grace-filled friends were speaking to me, were from Him. I am my beloved's and he is mine! I am in such deep love. He gives me nothing but grace and love ALL THE TIME! Even in death, I can always be confident of His love. We don't have to EARN it.
you should blog more :)